

How to apply for a GANE GRANT

In 2024 we gave out 50 Gane grants, and 7 awards in the Gane Award Scheme, supporting people in the UK across the arts and social welfare. To make the utmost use of our resources, we are very specific about whom and what we fund, so please read the points below carefully.

Read This Section Carefully Before You Apply

We Fund:

- Grants only to INDIVIDUALS: organisations do NOT qualify

- Grants to PEOPLE LIVING IN the United Kingdom:
we give priority to those living in the South West and South Wales

- ART, CRAFT AND DESIGN activities:
for instance materials, publicity, tools or books

for instance costs incurred in education or training

We Don't Fund:

- LIVING costs

- FEES for courses

- POSTGRADUATE course costs

- TRAVEL outside the UK unconnected with the Awards Scheme

- People who have ALREADY received grants

How much do we give?

Up to £500

When do we meet?

We meet three times a year in Spring, Summer and early Autumn.


Next meeting:

4 June 2025

Application deadline:

5pm 14 May 2025

Application Form


– You MUST answer every question.
– You MUST give us the same name you use on your bank account
– Please read through the form and then prepare your answers to the long questions.
– Then return to the form and paste in your prepared answers into the boxes.
– This will prevent the page from “timing-out” and losing your entries.
– Have you read HOW TO APPLY above?





They should know you and your work, but should not be family members

Referee 1 - Contact Details

Referee 2 - Contact Details

If you have any images, photos or documents please attach here. (MAXIMUM SIZE 1MB!) Please ensure you have included in the text of your application any url or social media address through which you present your work to the public, to enable us to see your work on line and assist the Trust in considering your application.

I agree to the terms and conditions. Personal data supplied in this application form to the Game Trust will be held by the trust for the purposes of considering your application and for accounting purposes in accordance with our data policy (insert hyperlink here to the privacy page). I consent to the information in this form being held by the Gane Trust for the purpose of considering my application and accounting for the use of its assets in accordance with the Trust’s Data Policy.

I consent to any images I have supplied for which I have copyright, and any digital links I provide being used on the Trust Website.

We work with

Bath Uni
Bath College
UWE Bristol
UWE Bristol